Duino Joy

by LekPKD



Duino Joy is simple virtual joystick to communicate with arduino via bluetooth moduleView Example on how to use at https://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-RC-Car-Arduino-Nano-HC-05/***********************Testing***********************// Connection// Arduino >>> bluetooth// D10 (as RX) >>> Tx// D11 (as TX) >>> Rx#include SoftwareSerial bluetooth(10, 11); // RX, TXvoid setup() { Serial.begin(19200); // Display to Arduino IDE Serial Monitor bluetooth.begin(9600); // Communicate with Bluetooth module}void loop() { while(bluetooth.available()) // Wait for data from bluetooth { char a = bluetooth.read(); // Read Data as Char from Software Serial Serial.print("Recieved: "); Serial.println(a); // Print data to Serial Monitor }}